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There's more to life than just work, that's why at Webspinning we value a work-life balance above all.
We believe that the happier you are in your job the more creative & productive you'll be.
We don't keep track of the hours you do per day, instead, we base everything on output. So long as you complete your project to a high-quality standard & on time, we don't mind what you do with your day.
This means you have more time to spend with your loved ones doing the things that bring you joy.
If you need time off, just ask. We more than approve of travel, it's encouraged. We believe that travel is one of the best tools for creative inspiration.
Want to go traveling but you're in the middle of a project? Just go! This is the age of the digital nomad, just pack your laptop & work when you can. Like we said it's about the output, not the hours.
At the end of every month, all of our employees get to enjoy a takeaway of their choice on us. You'll also receive a goody bag stocked with your favourite treats (this will be one of your first questions at an interview).
All of our employees get to work wherever they want, in an office, at home, in a coffee shop, or abroad; you get the idea.
We're not sure if we've made our point yet, but it's all about creation at Webspinning, which we strongly believe is best achieved when everybody is their most upbeat & chirpy version of themselves.
At Webspinning there's always room for self-improvement & growth, we offer tools to help you develop your design/ development skills.
We also have the room for people to rise through the ranks & become part of the leadership team, we reward a desire for creative output.